
Showing posts from September, 2018


Дорогие друзья, приветствую всех в своем блоге! Сегодня я расскажу об очень увлекательном ICO проекте. Мы обсудим, как KAKUSHIN, внедряет технологии blockchain в индустрию инноваций, а также подробно поговорим о деталях ICO. 27541106_395643774216191_2846267968194222644_n.png 🚀Экосистема KAKUSHIN - это своеобразный ключ, с помощью которого можно разблокировать двери огромных возможностей, создав экосистему, необходимую для ищущих, исследователей, новаторов, разработчиков и изобретателей. Между идеей и изобретением существует тонкая грань, потому что все изобретения представляют собой идеи до того, как они созревают до прорыва патентоспособных изобретений. Если у вас есть идея, и вы хотите превратить ее в инновацию, Kakushin - платформа для инноваций и новаторов, экосистема для инноваций и сотрудничества в области интеллектуальной собственности. Kakushin Exchange является торговой платформой для поддержания движения денежных средств и выступает в качестве поставщика ликвидности для


 Introduction:  World is loaded with innovative individuals. Huge numbers of them are unacknowledged on the grounds that they don't get any stage to give a route to their imaginative reasoning into reality, while others don't have enough cash to do as such and numerous financing stage are not welcome to develop novel products because of high risk of market nonacceptance and inability to understand the value estimation of new products. Be that as it may, the blockchain innovation is itself a breakthrough innovation also invites individuals to do incredible creations and give them stages to earn as well. KAKUSHIN is such blockchain innovation based Ethereum platform which let the innovators, engineers and developers to make developments and earn too.   KAKUSHIN stage:    The network helps the innovators and trend setters to develop products and society with their desires products. The end goal is to provide a solution of existing problems with these innovations. The inven


Kakushin, a blосkсhаin bаѕеd ecosystem mаkеѕ utilizаtiоn оf thе dесеntrаlizеd tесhnоlоgу tо craft the right аѕѕосiаtiоn fоr innоvаtоrѕ tо turn their idеаѕ to a fеаѕiblе item or a buѕinеѕѕ. Thе ѕtаgе, wоrkеd over Ethеrеum blосkсhаin iѕ соntrоllеd by Kakushin’s tоkеn KKN. Thе Kаkuѕhin Eсоѕуѕtеm provides nесеѕѕаrу tооlѕ rеԛuirеd for rеѕеаrсh and development of any рrоduсt or service. It is a blосkсhаin роwеrеd solution tо provide inсubаtiоn аnd a rаngе оf buѕinеѕѕ ѕеrviсеѕ tо invеntоrѕ. The рlаtfоrm is dеѕignеd to wоrk dirесtlу with invеѕtоrѕ in thе ecosystem аnd саn be рluggеd intо any existing innovation рrоgrаm across thе world. It is аn ecosystem, whiсh рrоvidеѕ invеntоrѕ with a mаrkеtрlасе including fiat сrурtо exchange whеrе innоvаtоrѕ саn lеаѕе , buу аnd ѕеll products аnd ѕеrviсеѕ , thе whоlе есоѕуѕtеm is built to genuinely support innоvаtоrѕ. Encourage Innоvаtiоn and Attrасt Vеѕtеd Interest Perceiving the роѕitivе effect оf Innovation, different organizations аnd invеѕtоr bunc


Heute erzähle ich Ihnen von einem sehr interessanten Projekt, mit dem Sie viel Geld verdienen können. Dieses Projekt heißt Emmares und ist mit Blockchain verbunden, jeder kennt es gut. In diesem Artikel geht es darum, wie wir an all dem teilnehmen können E-Mail-Marketing ist eine der Online-Marketing-Strategien, die häufig von verschiedenen Unternehmen umgesetzt wurden.Aber es gibt immer noch viele verwirrt, wie man misst, ob erfolgreiches email Marketing sie oder nicht tun? Siehst du die Anzahl der gmail und yahoo Mailadressen, die sie bekommen? Eine Möglichkeit besteht darin, zu sehen, wie viele Personen Ihre E-Mail öffnen (E-Mail-Öffnungsrate) und wie viele Personen auf den Link in der E-Mail klicken (Klickrate). Beide Wege können in der Tat ein Bild davon geben, ob Ihre E-Mail-Marketing-Strategie funktioniert. Aber eine Tatsache, die oft übersehen wird, ist, dass Click-Through-Raten in hohem Maße von offenen E-Mails abhängig sind, da die Leute nur auf einen Link klicken, wenn s


EMMARES-Email Marketing System is a system of rewarding a very favorable evaluation for marketers email (sender) and the recipient of the email (all email users). EMMARES connecting high-quality content with the interests of the recipient of the email. Encourage better quality content, low frequency, and fair evaluation of content. EMMARES brings a new value, the audience expanded to email marketers and a bit of spam is only the desired content to the recipient. Our mission is to make the world free of spam and plays an important role in exposing the possibility of dynamic content delivery systems and intelligent evaluation. As a present to evaluate the content they receive from different marketers email (sender), recipients get a token from the pool. For each assessment, the email Recipient (user) receives the token from email marketers that the contents are evaluated. VISION We envision a world in which the contents of the email marketing has a much higher caliber. With our s

EMMARES - The New Revolutionary Email Marketing Platform

What is Emmares? Emmares is a system that allows e-mail to be sent to the relevant users. This allows e-mail marketers to reach broad target masses while allowing them to receive e-mails based on interests that do not offend buyers. You can remove spam by flagging content that you do not care about in your inbox. You can subscribe to an e-mail address that interests you. You can get an EMA token by evaluating incoming mail to your mailbox. This will be a middle ground for senders and recipients. How does Emmares work? A marketer who wants to use the Emmares system pays with an EMA token in the emmares pool. It uses the system and sends an email to the target group. The buyer gets an EMA token marketed by the marketer by evaluating the incoming mail to the mailbox. Vision We envision a world where email marketing content has a much higher caliber. With our services, email marketers will be compelled to consistently produce better content over time. A reliable evaluation will

Eternal Trusts

ОФИЦИАЛЬНЫЙ САЙТ WHITE PAPER ICO 01.06-01.08 Цена токена 1 ETT = 0.021 USD Баунти компания  - ВЕБ САЙТ – Bitcointalk - Twitter - Facebook - Telegram - Всего на баунти-пул выделено 2%: - Кампания создания контента - 25% - Кампания соц.сетей - 15% - Кампания подписей - 40% - Кампания переводов - 20%  Обязательное условие для всех участников: Подписаться на Eternal Trusts Telegram Создание контента  Награда: Нормально - 40 ставок Хорошо - 70 ставок Отлично - 100 ставок Правила: Аккаунт должен быть активным и общедоступным Принимается только качественный и оригинальный материал Не менее 500 слов в статье Длительность видео не менее 1,5 мин Материал должен содержать ссылки на офиц. сайт и WP Внизу статьи должна быть ссылка вашего аккаунта на BTT Напишите пост в этой теме со ссылками на ваш материал Регистрация Список участников Фейсбук  Награда: 100-500 друзей - 1 ставка/неделю 500-1500 друзей - 2 ставки/неделю 1500-3000 друзей - 4 ставки/

Eternal Trusts

Hari ini saya akan memperkenalkan proyek ico yang sangat dihargai di icobench -Eternal Trust Ada lebih dari 16 juta jutawan di dunia, dan setidaknya 10% dari mereka ingin melakukan apa pun yang mereka bisa untuk memperpanjang hidup mereka dan meningkatkan standar hidup mereka. Namun, tidak peduli berapa banyak Anda membayar, Anda masih tidak dapat membeli layanan yang belum diterima secara hukum, tidak dapat diakses karena kurangnya legitimasi, atau memerlukan beberapa penelitian tambahan. The Eternal Trust adalah platform blockchain untuk akuisisi teknologi masa depan. Ada lebih dari 16 juta jutawan di dunia saat ini, dan setidaknya 10% dari mereka akan bersemangat mencoba apa pun yang dapat memperpanjang hidup mereka dan meningkatkan standar hidup mereka. Namun, terlepas dari jumlah uang yang Anda bayarkan, Anda masih dilarang membeli layanan yang belum disetujui oleh regulator, tidak dapat diakses karena kekurangan peraturan atau persyaratan penelitian tambahan. Kami memberikan

Eternal Trusts

Eternal Trusts là gì? Eternal Trust là một công ty duy nhất đang bán cho mọi người khả năng công nghệ y tế có thể kéo dài tuổi thọ của họ hoặc cải thiện chất lượng cuộc sống bằng cách sử dụng công nghệ không tồn tại hoặc không hợp pháp vào thời điểm này. Công ty hiện đang bán thẻ trước khi bán mã thông báo thực tế từ ngày 1 tháng 6 đến ngày 1 tháng 8 năm 2018. Cách duy nhất để một người có thể trở thành khách hàng của Quỹ tín thác vĩnh cửu là mua Thẻ tín dụng vĩnh cửu (ETT). Giám đốc điều hành của Eternal Trust là một người tên là Kirill Silvestrov, người có nền tảng trong ngân hàng đầu tư . Các nhân viên khác của công ty được liệt kê trên trang web Eternal Trust có các nguồn gốc trong các lĩnh vực như quản lý tài sản, thành lập tín thác, phát triển blockchain và biomedicine. Silvestrov và hầu hết các nhân viên tại Eternal Trust đều là người bản địa của Nga. Đây là CEO Kirill Silvestrov giới thiệu về dự án Eternal Trusts hoạt động như thế nào? Phương châm ở trên cùng của trang w


Mining is also a mechanism used to introduce Bitcoin or crypto into the system. Miners are paid every transaction fee and subsidy from newly created coins. This serves to disseminate new coins in a decentralized manner and motivate people to provide security for the system. Bitcoin or crypto mining is called thus because it resembles the mining of other commodities it requires exertion and slowly makes new units available to anyone who wants to take part. An important difference is that supply does not depend on the amount of mining. Generally changing the total miners do not change how much bitcoin or crypto made in the long run. Token mining companies operating in the Netherlands Featuring products that are ready to operate with environmentally conscious energy programs and SRXIO tokens supported by innovative assets, Securix offers enhanced value and different products compared to cloud mining operations, providing passive monthly gross returns for investors from mining operations


Cryptocurrencies are on the rise today. Everyone wants to earn a profit from it. Most of the people own crypto through mining. But due to the increase in difficulty level, high electricity cost and the high cost of mining equipment makes it very expensive. Thus cloud mining is getting popularity these days. It allow users to earn crypto from cloud mining located in remote areas. But these cloud mining comes with agreements. Once the contract agreement terminates, users will no longer earn income from it. To provide a solution to these problems Securix comes with next-generation mining solution, which help users to generate passive income. 2018-08-23_10-15-37.png Project Vision The aim of the Securix project is to help users to generate a passive income by investing in cryptocurrency mining which is free from any kind of terms and agreements. Distribution of dividends takes place through smart contracts with the highest level of transparency. 2018-08-23_10-15-37.png About Secur


Aimedis является инновационной децентрализованной платформой, которая основана на блокчейне и преимуществах интеллектуальных контрактов. Платформа создана для того, чтобы существенно изменить сегмент здравоохранения. Экосистема является уникальной в своем роде, теперь пациенты, врачи, а также аптеки и представители фармацевтических организаций смогут наладить взаимовыгодное сотрудничество с использованием инновационных технологий. Aimedis позволяет пользователям создать виртуальную медицинскую карту - каждый клиент проекта сможет сохранить здесь все данные о своем здоровье, рецепты, методики лечения, чтобы своевременно и безопасно передавать их врачам или организациям, используя для этого все возможности платформы Aimedis. Стоит выделить несколько уникальных предложений от создателей проекта: Видео-чат, который позволяет пользователям общаться между собой, чтобы обсуждать определенные вопросы; Онлайн-консультации. Врачи смогут оперативно поставить диагноз и выписать рецепт, основ


In the healthcare industry, reasons for modernization and substantial updating of the processes of interaction between physicians and patients, transfer of personal medical information have long been ripe for modernization. Today every medical institution conducts its activities completely autonomously from others. This seriously affects the quality of patient care, leads to a loss of time and, as a result, causes medical errors, misdiagnosed diagnosis and prescribed treatment. The AIMEDIS project on the decentralized platform of the blockchain will be able to change the situation. This time a real company from the Netherlands stands for a new startup on the cryptocurrency market, which has many years of experience in the field of medicine. Thanks to the AIMEDIS ecosystem, patients will be able to access online on the necessary medical services, consultations of qualified specialists from specialized research institutions, hospitals and clinics. To date, Aimedis is a one-of-a-kind pr


Bienvenido a Estimados lectores Hoy quiero hablar sobre un proyecto único. Los intercambios de dinero cifrado son sitios donde se puede comprar, ofrecer o intercambiar formas de dinero criptográficas por otro efectivo informatizado, efectivo o efectivo convencional como dólares estadounidenses o euros. Existen dispositivos de intercambio extravagantes para quienes necesitan un intercambio profesional. Es probable que necesite utilizar una operación que espera que verifique su identificación y abra un registro. En el caso de que solo necesite realizar el intercambio intermitente y directo, existen etapas adicionales que puede usar que no requieren un registro Crypto Exchanges da muchos atributos. Después de haber utilizado y visitado una gran cantidad de operaciones de cyptocurrency, he distinguido destacados distintivos que distinguen a los grandes de los terribles: -. Una gran cantidad de opciones para estrategias de pago. El comercio debe poder reconocer el alcance de la decisión


Cryptocurrency exchanges are websites are apps where you can buy, sell or exchange cryptocurrencies for other digital currency, fiat, or traditional currency like US dollars or Euro. There are fancy trading tools for those that want to trade professionally. One will likely need to use an exchange that requires you to verify your ID and open an account. If you just want to make the occasional, straightforward trade, there are also platforms that you can use that do not require an account. Crypto Exchanges provides many characteristics. Having used and visited a lot of cyptocurrency exchanges, I have identified different features that separate the good from the bad: 1. Plenty of options for Payment methods. The exchange should have the ability to accept a range of choice for depositing and withdrawing fiat/crypto. Such as Bank transfer, Credit Card, Paypal, or even cash. 2. Cheap and transparent commissions and transaction fees. Everyone hates to get over-charged. Paying the cheape

CREEDEX: Excellence in decentralized market of tokens.

My lengths to all who have arrived in this topic. In this article I will mention a new reliable trading access. For you investor or sympathizer who came across the world of crypto and looking for a decentralized exchange simple and reliable Creedex is a great option that conveys the agility and the necessary resources that you need to negotiate your tokens. At this time the market is in low and the base currency for the development of tokens more famous in the present days is Ethereum and with prices below the rate is cheaper and formidable to negotiate. It's ok but why should I invest in this bear market? Well, if you are an investor who researches a lot or even if you do not have the habit of researching you should know that the down market is the opportune moment for a good investment. So with low prices all tokens are auspicious and with attractive prices in need of an excellent exchange to match, in this case Creedex can help, what do you think? Just below you will understand


Website: WP: BTT: The mobile application market is one of the most expensive and promising platforms for startups. Billions of people use new smartphones, while using the functionality of the phone in different directions from how the phone was conceived at the time of its invention. There are users who rarely use a smartphone as something other than a phone, and there are people living in their gadget. On average, a person peeks at the phone 150 times a day, which seems like a huge and unreal number, but in fact is the most average. With this reasoning, the Swipe team came to their SwipeRich project, which is an android application that displays ads after the screen is unlocked, i.e. it replaces your screen saver on the lock screen. Now, the Swipe command creates a blocking platform for the monetization of user statistics. Now the user data does n


This is the multi-functional decentralized discussion use made to the Ethereum Blockchain. And will be offering buyers many of the timeless things about your discussion use, you'll find it is designed with a luxury in-built cryptocurrency pocket. When connecting by using friends and relations by TOK, the necessary paperwork have a host of additional uses when compared to the normal prompt messaging apps. TOK is actually a single prompt messaging use by using benefits that happen to be used by very own plus qualified applications. Webinars, collaborative records, whiteboard, computer screen spreading, training video broadcasts, leading-edge site benefits plus foreign money copy will be primarily all of our main tools. TOK Mandate plus Eye sight Mandate TOK strives to produce a different universe with connecting by using speedier, better plus confidential communication’s this enables people today everywhere. TOK may be the modern age with connecting use that could let buyers by