
Showing posts from October, 2018


Xin chào, các bạn thân mến! Hôm nay chúng ta sẽ tiến hành một cuộc trò chuyện về các chủ đề như tiếp thị và mở rộng cơ sở khách hàng. Điểm mấu chốt là cho đến nay, các lĩnh vực khác nhau của các doanh nghiệp đang đầu tư khoản tiền khổng lồ vào sự phát triển kinh doanh của mình, đặc biệt là quảng cáo. Quảng cáo là công cụ chính của bất kỳ doanh nghiệp, và đó là lý do tại sao doanh nghiệp là rất quan trọng mà dự án được quảng cáo, và quan trọng nhất là do quảng cáo này thu hút người dân. Tức là, đơn giản hơn, quảng cáo có hiệu quả. Nhưng thật không may, trong thế giới ngày nay, rất nhiều sự lừa dối và lừa, và đó là lý do tại sao hầu hết các chi tiêu cho quảng cáo là vô ích, bởi vì có những quan điểm sai sự thật, cũng như báo cáo hư cấu về công tác thực hiện. Và nó là thực tế này phủ nhận mạnh mẽ các lĩnh vực nhất định. Vì vậy, tôi muốn tìm một giải pháp phi tập trung có thể sửa tất cả các sắc thái này. Và bằng cách trùng hợp ngẫu nhiên, một giải pháp đã được tìm thấy gần đây trong nghiên


Since recession hit (and we would say globally since 2008), the global economy have been surviving on cheap money, in particular thanks to low interest rates by central banks. However, as we all know, there are no trickle down benefits as banks refused to lend to businesses1 , but used the cheap (and easy money) to fuel their gambling2 on the financial markets. Centive trains its eyes on the ever-growing advertising industry which in 2018 is expected to be valued at US$558 billion3 globally. Centive has made it our life’s purpose to help businesses (and consumers) to capitalize on the blockchain economy, by building a blockchain-based incentive network that is effortless to use, and benefits value creators. Centive’s platform aims to reduce friction drastically from promotion (by businesses) to action (by consumers). As a business owner, you no longer have to worry about how to execute your marketing campaigns. Centive’s platform is easy to use and operate. Businesses and custom


Hola mis lectores, estoy aquí para escribir una reseña aquí en mi artículo sobre UBECOIN: es una solución de blockchain creada por una compañía de tecnología de Gibraltar con el objetivo de no menos de la interrupción completa del mercado de trueque tradicional a nivel mundial.Ubecoin se usará como una medio de intercambio de Business to Business (B2B), Business to Consumer (B2C) y Consumer to Business (C2B). Blockchain es un tipo de libro distribuido para mantener un registro permanente y a prueba de manipulaciones de datos transaccionales. Un blockchain funciona como una base de datos descentralizada que es administrada por computadoras que pertenecen a una red P2P (peer-to-peer). Cada una de las computadoras en la red distribuida mantiene una copia del libro mayor para evitar un único punto de falla (SPOF) y todas las copias se actualizan y validan simultáneamente. Si usted es un negocio o un consumidor, usted tiene el control de su cuenta y su saldo de Ubecoin en todo momento.


Hello everyone, on this occasion I will introduce the Blockchain Project which is very useful for its users and this project called Ubecoin and Ubecoin is a medium of exchange from Business to Business (B2B), Business to Consumer (B2C) and Consumer to Business (C2B). Why Ubecoin? Ubecoin is a blockchain solution created by the Gibraltar technology company with the aim of no less than a total disruption of the traditional barter market globally. Ube Ltd’s Mission is to give power back to the merchants starting with its initial Vision of disrupting the traditional barter model globally by transforming it into a community based decentralized subscription model. Ube Ltd’s strategy is focused on providing a user-friendly platform to E-commerce and entertainment by providing easy access into the Ubecoin ecosystem that will facilitate entry into the modern economy. The more merchants that join the network, the greater the diversification of goods and services which will be offered


UBECOIN - A Smarter way to Trade! ICO INFORMATION Greetings to you, dear readers of my blog! In this review I present to you an ICO-project, Ubecoin I will tell about everything in detail in this article. Ubecoin and Ubecoin is a medium of exchange from Business to Business (B2B), Business to Consumer (B2C) and Consumer to Business (C2B). Why Ubecoin? Ubecoin is a blockchain solution created by the Gibraltar technology company with the aim of no less than a total disruption of the traditional barter market globally. Ube Ltd’s Mission is to give power back to the merchants starting with its initial Vision of disrupting the traditional barter model globally by transforming it into a community based decentralized subscription model. Ube Ltd’s strategy is focused on providing a user-friendly platform to E-commerce and entertainment by providing easy access into the Ubecoin ecosystem that will facilitate entry into the modern economy. The more merchants that join the net


Image (en lo sucesivo, Humancoin) es un innovador proyecto de blockchain que une filántropos y destinatarios en una única plataforma de la manera más conveniente y transparente. Los donantes (que consisten en uno de cada tres de nosotros a nivel mundial) pueden donar rápidamente en todo el mundo, controlar sus gastos en línea y también recibir descuentos de los socios de la plataforma. Los proyectos caritativos pueden recibir fondos con costos de explotación mínimos y en poco tiempo en una moneda conveniente. Humancoin es una plataforma revolucionaria que transforma la industria de la filantropía para siempre, que se creó específicamente para trabajar en sinergia con el mercado de comercio electrónico y la criptomoneda, que en conjunto tienen un valor combinado de $ 3.5 billones. La característica única de Humancoin => Este es el primer proyecto de blockchain que tiene el potencial de convertirse en un agregador de programas globales de lealtad de comercio electrónic


Hello everyone, If you're interested in joining the HumanCoin project, it's a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in viewing their mission vision: About Humancoin Humancoin unites philanthropists and recipients of funds on a single P2P platform in the most convenient and transparent way possible. The blockchain platform fuelled by the “mined” Humancoin token will breathe new life into the charity industry, proving an engine of growth While at the same time becoming a premier global loyalty program for an increasing number of partners in e-commerce. Why own Humancoin? The Humancoin tokens can be easily convertible into any points, miles, bonuses, coupons. Token owners will be incentivized to hold them to take advantage of attractive benefits and this provides a long-term, stable demand for tokens As the number of partners and the scope of cooperation within the Humancoin Network grows, so does the popularity of the token


We are very happy to share with you all how to get VidyCoin by participating in the Vidy Bounty Program! Allocation 0.5% of the total supply of VidyCoin is allocated to the Bounty Program, which means up to 50,000,000 VidyCoin will be distributed through this Bounty Program. Vidy is the first decentralized video ad distributor to place video ads behind text on web pages through the NLP consensus layer. WHAT IS A BAD LAYER? Vidi invented the first one-page invisible layer for the video, which is launched on the Ethereum block. The vid creates a system that measures how long a user watches with tracking technology on its implementation layer. Then Vidy Rewards publishers and users for keeping advertising with VidyCoins, taken for a share of VidyCoin payments made from the advertiser to the publisher, to display video ads. Using the hold, users can now display tiny hyper-relevant videos hidden behind the text of any page on the Internet, opening up a whole new dimension on the


What is the VIDY layer? Vidy has invented the first single-page invisible embed layer for video, run on the Ethereum blockchain. With just a hold, users can now reveal tiny hyper-relevant videos hidden behind the text of any page on the web, unlocking a whole new dimension to the internet. Why We Created Vidy $16B Of lost funds every year stolen from ad fraud $23 Of user data fees from unwanted ads each month 44% Of all ads are interacted with by humans, the rest are all bots 21% Of daily battery drain from unwanted ads 600M devices run ad blockers 0.02% Of banner ads get tapped per 1000 impressions 4.9% Of interstitial ads which hijack your whole screen get tapped 66% Of all ad fraud comes from video, yet video makes up only 44% of all advertising $50B Of yearly ad fraud losses anticipated for the next 10 years 30% Of advertisers are demanding more video ad real estate The VIDY Ecosystem Vidy’s ad placement mechanism is a proprietary open-source NLP protocol, ru


One of the most talked-about topics in the financial services industry today is blockchain and is the current biggest market disruptor. It was initially designed to facilitate, authorize, and log the transfer of bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are digital money that use the blockchain technology to facilitate secure and anonymous transactions. The statistics as of today, show the market cap of crypto currencies at US $502,375,504,565 with block chain technology serving as its back bone. This combination is being further linked to various industries with an anticipation to revolutionize the traditional approach to businesses and reap benefits including cost reduction, faster settlements and increased transparency. INTRODUCING VIDYCOIN Vidy is the world’s first decentralized ad network, powered by the ethereum blockchain. Vidy’s ad platform allows advertisers to embed video ads directly into hyper-relevant website text, improving user experience, ad conversions


Today I would like to tell you about a project that exists in the market of microtransactions for several years and is actively increasing momentum. This project is called BRAVO , and it will be discussed today. Probably each of us faced a situation when an acquaintance, a friend or a relative asks to throw him some money for various needs by money transfer. Of course, you can use a bank transfer, but as practice shows, transfers go a long time, and money is needed now. In addition, not every bank has a convenient and fast-running mobile application for online banking. Not only that, sometimes we want no one to know about our transaction. There are different life situations. But I think everyone will agree that by transferring money through the bank, we automatically subscribe to the fact that the bank and the state will see our transactions. How and where we spent the money and to whom they were sent. In this case, before the advent of cryptocurrency, the most effective wa


Bravo is an innovative software that is ideal for the operation of a platform for transferring money between users. Using the blockchain allows you to efficiently and quickly perform any transactions involving cryptocurrency. Secure, anonymous, extremely fast payments - this is exactly what the decentralized Bravo platform offers to its customers. The developers have done everything to make transactions as safe and operational as possible - intellectual contracts protect money from the fraudsters' encroachments and are a guarantee for the execution of the transaction. History of Bravo It is worth noting the fact that the Bravo software has been operating for more than three years, but only in the vast expanses of the United States with a certain fixed currency. At the same time, developers are going to make their project global and enable the use of all available cryptocurrencies. In 2019, they are going to launch their own token and begin active work with clients. The payment

Student Coin

CURRENT STATUS-CCE In 2016, there were 2.28 million students enrolled in the UK at the higher education level. Since this demographic group is now decentralized, it means that students have very little influence on the business and how they interact with students. As a group that works as a unit, Student Demography can develop a voice in order to ultimately empower students and regain control over their direction in both personal and professional life. Similarly, at present there is no real connection between students and business. Discounts offered to students are currently common and have no further influence beyond the point of the transaction. Typically, businesses offer general discounts that are relevant for some, not for the majority. These discounts are used to encourage students to buy their brand, ultimately reducing the purchasing power of students. At this stage of the student's life, most of his income is spent on everyday expenses, such as buying food and university

Student Coin

Student Coin це компанія, створена для внесення змін у всіх учнів. Як компанія, ядро наших цінностей є студентським демографічним. Ми вважаємо, що час змін зараз і що завдяки застосуванню Студентської монети всі учні можуть встати як один, створити повноваження і поділитися одним голосом. Заснована в 2016 році в результаті університетського семінару, Student Coin це унікальний бізнес, який був створений «студентами, для студентів». Тому єдиним наміром для компанії є надання можливості студентам як фінансово, так і не фінансово. Додаток Student Coin запропонує всім студентам єдину платформу, де вони зможуть отримувати знижки, будувати свої інвестиційні портфелі, готуватися до життя після університету і багато іншого. Студентська монета перша в своєму роді компанія, яка пропонує такий великий рівень підтримки для кожного користувача і разом, ми розвиваємося як команда, щоб забезпечити найкращий фінансовий і нефінансовий спосіб життя для кожного учня, пов'язаного з нами. Студентська


Всем привет. Сегодня поговорим о рыбалке и блокчейне, вещах на первый взгляд совершенно разных. Давным давно рыболовля являлась средством к выживанию. Позже, с становлением государств и становлением экономики рыбный промысел стал её частью. Сейчас рыбу можно легко купить в магазине или на рынке. Но частный улов это никак не затронуло, но значительно видоизменило. Он стал скорее средством для частного небольшого заработка, плюс увлечением. Многим нравится сам процесс вылавливания рыбы, но многие до сих пор используют это как средство заработка. В каждом городе, посёлке есть свои рыбные сообщества, где рыбаки обмениваются опытом, организовывают совместные выезды. В Штатах одна из таких команд рыбаков решили тоже создать своё интернет-сообщество, только на блокчейне. Называется Pro Fish. Цель площадки - объединить в единую сеть рыболовов и розничных торговцев. Давайте подробнее рассмотрим, для чего создаётся сообщество и что в нём будет реализовано: Турниры онлайн. В сети будут про


Welcome my readers to this wonderful platform. Today I am writing a very interesting project called Profish. This project seems more interesting after reading the whitepaper. The project has a very good concept. I know this project will get high success. Consider investing. I am very happy with this project. I will explain a few more details below about this great project to be easily understood by everyone. The excellence of blockchain innovation is that it tends to be connected in all work of lives, this circulated record convention is star business with the capacity to keep undeniable records, decentralized installment framework and give control back to its clients' without the need of outsider control. Numerous blockchain ventures are jumping up day by day in numerous fields of life running from sport wagering, protection, sharing economy, decentralized managing an account, decentralized online business, decentralized independent commercial center, decentralized video shari


Dear subscribers, I offer your attention a very unique project. And what exactly is the uniqueness and details of the ICo I will tell you later. The FISH token provides a three-way approach to using thematic services that are useful for fishermen, retailers and sellers around the world. ProFish provides three main services on a decentralized platform that is self-sustaining. AMENITIES Online tournament Online tournaments are not a new concept, they have a proven track record in the sports fishing industry. Many sport anglers are already familiar with how online tournaments work. ProFish tournaments, however, will have additional benefits in the form of low transaction fees verified on the Ethereum blockchain. The winners of the online tournament are awarded with FISH tokens and announced on the ProFish community page. The community web page has social networking capabilities similar to those of Facebook. Users can add friends, create groups, write on each other's walls an