
Showing posts from May, 2018

VIVA Properti Bisnis Baru Menggunakan Kontrak Smart Blockchain

CRYPTO ARKA Mei 08, 2018 VIVA VIVA Properti Bisnis Baru Menggunakan Kontrak Smart Blockchain Apa yang pernah Anda pikirkan dan bayangkan, dengan teknologi Blockchain kita dapat membeli impian kita, seperti rumah mewah, mobil mewah dan lain sebagainya. Bayangkan saja perkembangan teknologi Blockchain sekarang berkembang pesat, semuanya telah menggunakan teknologi. dan salah satunya adalah VIVA . VIVA adalah perusahaan yang menyediakan layanan properti dan pinjaman menggunakan sistem teknologi Blockchain melalui kontrak pintar, dan sistem pembiayaan Viva menggunakan teknologi kontrak cerdas untuk langsung menghubungkan pembeli rumah dan pemberi pinjaman, memperkenalkan pasar bebas dan menghilangkan kebutuhan untuk bergantung pada perusahaan besar untuk membiayai & beli sebuah rumah! viva.JPG Jaringan VIVA , setidaknya kami percaya pada pasar yang bebas dan adil bagi kita semua. Jaringan VIVA juga memiliki motivasi yang lebih besar untuk kebaikan - untuk memperbaiki sistem h

VIVA New Business Style Property Using Blockchain Smart Contract

What ever you think and imagine, with Blockchain technology we can buy a dream of us, like luxury homes, luxury cars and so forth. just imagine the development of Blockchain technology is now progressing rapidly, everything has been using the technology. and one of them is VIVA. VIVA is a company that provides property and loan services using its Blockchain technology system through its smart contract, and Viva's financing system uses intelligent contract technology to directly link home buyers and lenders, introduce free markets and eliminate the need to rely on large companies to finance & buy a house! viva.JPG The VIVA network, at least we believe in free and fair markets for all of us. The VIVA network also has greater motivation for good - to fix a non-transparent or unfair mortgage system, just imagine it's been centuries controlled by big banks for hundreds of years. The VIVA network is here to take advantage that usually triggers the big monopoly bank and retur


Viva is the future of mortgage financing. Our mission is to disrupt the global mortgage industry by 31 trillion dollars by introducing a faster, cheaper, and more transparent way to buy a home. Viva has pioneered exclusive mortgage finance technology. Using smart contract infrastructure, Viva's financing system connects home buyers directly with private lenders from anywhere in the world - eliminating the need to rely on banks to get mortgages. Check out the video below: Crowdfunding home in blockchain Viva uses exclusive contract technology, smart crowling technology, which will allow home buyers to get home loans with fiat currency. Unlimited and decentralized home loan financing will eliminate the need to rely on intermediaries such as banks and other financial intermediaries. Viva created a free market in the mortgage industry - reducing inefficiencies and allowing more affordable homeownership. For the first time, Viva will allow private investors to be accredited to h